They hit my soul and with great force.
This image that you are seeing is the desolate panorama of a burned moorland, and not just any moorland, it is my favorite, the Páramo de Santurban; water source for more than 50 municipalities between Santander and Norte de Santander and there is no justification for this. And I say that it is my favorite, because I have been researching, talking and designing jewelry that speaks of the moor and my land of Santander for a long time, for this reason, my soul hurts.
The paramos are a unique ecosystem that only occurs here in Colombia and in part of Venezuela and Ecuador and that reach heights greater than 4000 meters above sea level.
The Berlin moor, as part of the Santurban Knot, was the main victim of the fires; In total more than 500 hectares of moorland have been consumed by flames.
And the moors have endemic species, that is, species that are not found anywhere else in the world. A frailejón takes many years to grow... just to give you an idea, a frailejón grows approximately 1 cm per year and can live up to 100 years and maybe more, and they are plants that fulfill a great function because they retain water for means of condensation of mists and preserves it.
So let's draw conclusions, what do you think can happen now?
And so that you understand the dimension of what is happening, I invite you to visit the @lavaldired channel, because Javier Valdivieso took the trouble to visit the areas affected in Santander by the fires and has done an incredible job reporting live from the affected areas.